Looking for transparency

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Lenovo's Transparent Laptops

Among the cutting edge gadgets and groundbreaking futuristic


Alvin - February 26, 2024

4 min read

At Mobile World Congress 2024, the atmosphere was filled with the excitement and thrill of innovation. Among the cutting edge gadgets and groundbreaking futuristic technologies on show, two devices from Lenovo stood out . Lenovo technologies were an attraction not for their fascinating screens or effectively powerful processors, but for their utter transparency. The ThinkBook Transparent Display Laptop and Project Crystal (also known as the transparent microLED display laptop) weren't just laptops; they were windows that showed us a glimpse into a future where innovation seamlessly blends in with the physical world.

Envision holding a laptop where the screen itself becomes a window, offering a feature that allows you to see through it and onto your workspace, a coffee mug or even your colleague sitting across from you. This isn't the stuff of science fiction anymore. These concept devices utilize Micro-LED panels, bragging and highlighting its groundbreaking features which include:

Variable transparency

These displays aren't just transparent; they're adjustable and with a flick of a software switch, they have the ability to change transparency from (55%) to completely opaque (hitting a amazing 1,000 nits top brightness), showcasing to us its extraordinary versatility.

Lean and sleek design

In spite of its numerous layers, the panels are strikingly thin, maintaining a sleek profile that keeps things feeling sophisticated. You feel like you're interacting with pure data, not a bulky gadget.

Of course, with such out of this world gadgets come with questions The main one being, whereas the device is irrefutably cool, what viable uses do these transparent displays hold?

Limited use cases

Lenovo proposes inventive scenarios like drawing directly on the transparent surface while the keyboard remains hidden. In any case, artists might still favor and prefer the dedicated material feedback already offered by established and tried and tested drawing tablets.

Touch keyboard blues

Both concept models come equipped with projected touch keyboards meaning they shall be more holographic type keyboards, this in turn will result in missing the satisfying click-clack experience of traditional keyboards. This will altogether affect writing precision and by and large client comfort for ordinary everyday tasks.

Beyond the initial "wow" factor, these laptops spark discussions and engaging think pieces around the potential future of innovation:

Drastically enhanced communication

Envision doctors easily sharing X-rays with patients or sales representatives displaying items without requiring to awkwardly flip the screen. This seamless data sharing might revolutionize communication over different fields. Transactions and meetings will eventually become quick and clear processes .

Augmented reality integration

The built-in rear cameras, combined with the transparent display, hold exciting possibilities for Augmented Reality (AR). Imagine the camera clearly distinguishing objects behind the screen and overlaying pertinent information directly on the display itself. This could revolutionize repairs, troubleshooting and learning experiences, making them interactive, intuitive and visual.

However, even the most inventive technology faces obstacles:

Resolution hurdle

Whereas the displays are not too bad offering decent resolution power., the resolution falls short compared to traditional laptops, becoming noticeable upon closer review.

Development and durability concerns

Both models showcased limitations like weak hinges, limited ports and even static charge issues, highlighting the need for further advancement before these concepts become market-ready.

Interestingly, transparent display technology isn't entirely new. We've seen glimpses of this innovation within the past:


Unveiled a transparent laptop concept at CES 2010 and a transparent OLED TV in 2024.


Plans to ship its transparent OLED Signature T TV later in 2024.

But unlike their predecessors, Lenovo's transparent laptops have earned noteworthy attention, not just for the technology, but for the experience they offer. ZDNet's Max Buondonno had the opportunity to experience the ThinkBook firsthand before MWC and these are some of the notable things he had to say.

A window to the world

The transparent display advertised a clear view of what was behind it, but with a somewhat reduced brightness compared to the front view.

Utilitarian past aesthetics

Lenovo envisions utilizing the camera and AI for object recognition and data overlay on the transparent display, pushing the boundaries of client interaction.

Cutting edge design aesthetics

The ThinkBook gloated a special design, including an auxiliary touchscreen that transformed into a Wacom-style drawing surface, complemented by bold blue accents that shouted innovation.

Whereas currently concept models, the ThinkBook and Project Crystal offer a see into a future where innovation seamlessly blends with our lives. The potential for improved communication, AR integration,and imaginative functionalities is irrefutable. As developers address the current impediments and investigate practical applications, we might witness transparent displays becoming a standard feature in laptops, seamlessly merging our computerized and physical universes. This is not a scene from a sci-fi movie; it's a window into a future where innovation becomes an extension of our reality.

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